Embracing Tradition, Building Community, Together
WELCOME TO Jewish Madison Heights
Welcome, fellow members of the mishpacha (family)! Whether you’re steeped in tradition or just dipping your toes into the bubbling pot of Jewish culture, you’ve found your home away from home. We’re here to celebrate the tapestry of Jewish identity, from the most mainstream mavens to the quirkiest misfits and everything in between.
At our doorstep, you’ll find open arms, warm challah, and a community as diverse as a bag of rainbow-colored dreidels. So, whether you prefer gefilte fish or falafel, prayer shawls or punk rock, you’re invited to join us on this wild ride through the wonderful world of Judaism right here in Madison Heights!
Let’s schmooze, schlep, and schmear together. After all, if you identify as Jewish, our tent is big enough to fit us all, no matter where you fall on the observance spectrum. Let’s light up the menorah of inclusivity together!

Torah Portions
